Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Chapter 9 "The Path of Nickeldeon"

The Creation of the Mass Media Paul Starr.

"Up to this point, motion-picture exhibitors had relied on vaudeville theaters and other existing venues, but the surging popular demand for the movies created the basis of a new down-market exhibition space. In June 1095, an entrepreneur in Pittsburgh set up a cheap storefront theater for the showing films and called it the "Nickelodeon". Within a year the, hundreds of nickelodeons had sprouted across the country, and by the beginning of 1907, there were 2,500, according to the new entertainment paper Variety" (Starr, 303).

Nickelodeon had a very powerful impact when it first came to play. It was a form of entertainment to lower class people. It was something new, something that they never saw before. The movie business is one of today’s society biggest industries, and many people want to be part of it. The movie is as fascinating and has grown even more just like when it first came out.


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