Thursday, February 01, 2007

Restrictions For The Presses

Paul Starr writes:

"The great political revolutions of the modern world, including the American,
the French, and both Russian revolutions (1917 and 1991), all raised the most
fundamental questions about communications and koqledge, as they did about
politics: Who will have the right to speak and to publish? Who will be subject
to surveillance? What access will ordinary people have to information and debate
about public issues?

...The restriction or protection of free speech, popular assembly, and
private association are only the most obvious examples." (Introduction. Page 5)

It seems now that the world had printing, they quickly seemed to debate about who should be able to use it, what could be said, and who could be able to read it. Instead of embracing this new invention, they had to pick it apart, and think of rules for it. They restricted freedom of speech, and quickly used the presses for the publications for laws, constitutions, and other things only those in office, or who were important were able to do. This just shows that only important people in society were able to try, and take over newer things before the public could get a hold of it.


At 11:51 AM, Blogger A. Mattson said...

Nice image. Try not to include the extra spaces in pasted quotes.

Your post is thoughtful. Try to avoid using the generic "they" so much. Who is "they"? Try to be a bit more specific.


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